Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Toluca Lake

Filed under: — stan @ 7:11 pm

Today’s ride was the ‘Toluca Lake Inverse’ route. It was actually kind of chilly this morning, and I actually had to put a Hoover blanket under my jersey to keep warm.

We started out going south to San Marino, and then west through South Pasadena and Eagle Rock to get to the L.A. River. Then we got on the bike path going north along the river. For some unknown reason, we always end up going really fast on this stretch of the ride, and today was no exception.

We rode the bike path north all the way to Riverside Drive. Then, after regrouping, we took Zoo Drive and Forest Lawn Drive west into Burbank. We turned on Barham Blvd there, passing by Warner Bros, and then we stopped for a snack at Priscilla’s in Toluca Lake.

I had my usual bagel and orange juice there, and then we were treated to the sight of Brian struggling to stuff ice cubes into his water pack. For some reason, they didn’t seem to want to go in, and they kept slipping away.

On the way back, we went through the equestrian neighborhood and then past the Bette Davis Picnic Area.

From there, we took Sonora into Glendale and then onto Glenoaks Blvd. We took Glenoaks all the way up to where it turns into Ethel St, and then up to Mountain. Then we crossed the Verdugo Wash and got on Verdugo Blvd for the trip up the hill.

After the long gradual climb up Verdugo, we took the right turn and went up Hospital Hill. At the top, we stopped for a few minutes to regroup, and then headed down the hill into La Cañada. That was where Tommy got a flat, making his second appearance in the Flat Tire Gallery.

The last part of the ride was across Pasadena back to the park. When we got there, I had 45 miles, so Tommy and I rode out to Sierra Madre and back just to pad it out a bit.

50 miles

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