Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Filed under: — stan @ 3:06 pm

Our dog Buddy is kind of weird. He likes to jump up on things like a cat.


Movies in Pasadena

Filed under: — stan @ 6:44 pm

There was a movie crew filming near our house today. This happens a lot down near Caltech, but not not that often near our house.


Filed under: — stan @ 4:17 pm

Lucinda and Aunt Maggi colored Easter eggs on Wednesday. Then on Friday, Buddy got hold of the eggs and ate all of them. All that was left was scraps of shell on the floor.


OK Canon

Filed under: — stan @ 5:08 pm

Got a Canon PowerShot A70 camera. Built gphoto2 because it said the camera was supported. Didn’t work. Had to rebuild the devel/libusb and devel/gettext ports and rebuild gphoto2. Of course, this broke some other things, so I ended up rebuilding all of XFree86-4 from source. Now everything is good. Here are the commands to get a listing of the files on the camera and to download them:

gphoto2 --camera "Canon PowerShot A70" --port usb: -L
gphoto2 --camera "Canon PowerShot A70" --port usb: --get-all-files

Mayor of the Sunset Strip

Filed under: — stan @ 3:09 pm

We went to see “Mayor of the Sunset Strip” today. It was really good. Got to see Rodney everywhere in Hollywood. Lots of fun.



Filed under: — stan @ 8:07 pm

Today we went to see “Maestro”, which is a documentary about early underground dance clubs in New York, and how they spawned a whole genre of music. It was interesting, but the visual look of the film was kind of hard to watch.


Evolving Light

Filed under: — stan @ 9:50 pm

We went to the opening party for “Evolving Light” at the Museum of Neon Art this evening. The new exhibit had lots of nice neon pieces.


The further dumbing of America…

Filed under: — stan @ 7:38 pm

We got to see an advance screening of “10.5”, a made-for-TV disaster movie today. Overall, it was pretty cheesy. The screenshot below pretty much sums up the whole movie. Didn’t the writers have a dictionary?

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