Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Tamale party

Filed under: — stan @ 1:01 pm

This morning, I got up and started making tamales with the meat I cooked last night. This is our first time making home-made tamales. Lucinda and Cathy made some, but I made most of them. I felt like I was getting ethnic, even though none of us here is even remotely Mexican. Note the use of the Chinese bamboo steamer for the tamales. Then, after they were steamed, we had them for lunch just so we could try them out. They were quite good.

One Response to “Tamale party”

  1. GraceD Says:

    Would you and the family stop with the food now! Tamales AND chocolate walls. Ouf, I’m gaining weight looking at the tamale masa stuffing alone.

    Okay, next LA trip we’re at your house, your kitchen table EATING.

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