Stan’s Obligatory Blog


See the progress

Filed under: — stan @ 10:11 pm

Now it’s been a year and a half since my divorce nightmare began. It’s still not resolved, but aside from that, my life is rebooting very nicely. And you can see this in these pictures from dinners at the Jazz Kitchen from three trips to Disneyland with Lucinda.

The top picture was in January, 2008, when the ordeal was just beginning. I felt cast adrift and all alone in the world. At the time, Lucinda didn’t know yet what was going on, and I felt haunted by the knowledge that she was very soon going to find herself in the eye of a shit-storm.

The middle picture was from August, 2008. Things were much, much better then. I’d had my “George Bailey moment” that turned my life around. It led to my trip to visit Austin last summer. It also led to my relationship with Susan, which was a tremendously great experience, even though it was only for a year.

The bottom picture is from June, 2009, and even though I’d felt pretty good last August, I’m visibly happier here. By any objective measure, my life is actually pretty good now. I feel content and optimistic for the future. And all things considered, I think that’s pretty good .

There is still healing going on, and more to come, but it’s been nowhere near as hard and painful as it was at the start.

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