Stan’s Obligatory Blog


A piece of history

Filed under: — stan @ 6:41 pm

I found this article on BME the other day:

It’s the story of a man named Louis who was a pioneer in the field of body and genital piercing. Reading the story, I realized that we had met him once. Back in 1988, we went to a video show and party at EZTV in West Hollywood. And we met him. He was a nice guy. But when I got to the surprise ending of the story, I just about fell out of my chair.

After reading the article, I heard that one of his old rings is on display at Anomaly Piercing here in Pasadena. So I stopped by on my way home to see it.

In the kink world it’s sometimes said that the weirdest people are Republicans.

One Response to “A piece of history”

  1. Michelle Says:

    Yeah, I got a huge kick out of that article. I wouldn’t be surprised if Karl had a few piercings of his own.

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