Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Glendale bike ride

Filed under: — stan @ 2:33 pm

Today’s bike ride was a route that Gene selected because it goes on a lot of tree-lined streets. The idea was that the route would have lots of shade. It was already hot at 8:00 in the morning, so we were glad for the choice.

We rode across Pasadena and up into La Cañada. Then we went down Hospital Hill in to Glendale. That was where I saw the “Lots of Pets” car. My first thought was to wonder if they had gotten permission from Mattel for the logo, which was a takeoff on “Hot Wheels”, but the Supreme Court decided that parody is a protected form of free speech, so maybe it’s not a problem.

At the bottom of the hill, we turned and took Mountain and Kenneth across Glendale. We stopped at Paradise Bakery. I had my usual two chocolate eclairs and a quart of water.

After the stop, we headed into Griffith Park and rode through the park down to Fletcher, where we turned and started back home. Some guy without a helmet joined up with us for a bit on Riverside before we turned off. Then we headed back through Atwater Village to Eagle Rock.

We rode across Eagle Rock and into South Pasadena. Then we went north into San Marino and back into Pasadena. And then, POW!!! Doug’s back tire blew out. I immediately whipped out my camera and took a picture for the Flat Tire Gallery. Since he was almost home, he said we should just go on. So I rode out to Arcadia with Newton and then came home by way of Sierra Madre.

50 miles.

One Response to “Glendale bike ride”

  1. Ed from PAA / Merryl Lynch Says:

    Nice blog Mr. Stan. Im a big fan. Saw you out on the road around Pasadena / Glendale once in a while. Actually I saw you at Tour of california talking to that Italian guy who runs Colnago! Well in your Glendale bike Ride photo, that guy w/o a helmet is Current Pro (for years) Jamie Paolinetti. Check out Excellent documentary on US Domestic racing! Keep on blogging mate. You’ve got some funny stuff.


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