Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Tattoos at the Fairplex

Filed under: — stan @ 10:51 pm

Today was the summer edition of the big Body Art Expo at the L.A. County Fairgrounds. A lot of the tattoo purists don’t like this show, because it’s not put on tattoo people. But at the same time, they promote it well, and it draws a big crowd. So it’s something that’s accessible to the masses.

It was hot out there in Pomona today. I got there about 3:00 and just about roasted while waiting in line for my ticket. And even when I got inside, it was still hot. But that’s all right. High temperatures tend to encourage people to take off their clothes, which is a good thing at a tattoo convention.

I saw my friend Rick down at the end of the hall. He was posing various girls on a motorcycle there and taking photos of them. The bike’s owner was threatening to put the seat up for sale on EBay after Rick was done. And one of the girls was Trisha, who we saw at the Erotica L.A. show a few weeks ago. She had her hair down today, and as always, she looked great.

Shannon had a booth at the show this time. I stopped by a couple of times and she was busy all the time, so I think the show was good to her.

I also saw Anna from Anagram Fine Art there. We chatted a bit and I also pawed through her kids-size shirts to see if she had one in Lucinda’s size.

I saw a half-leg tribute to Elvis and Marilyn Monroe, as well as some permanent makeup and a very nicely done octopus tattoo. I saw my friend Tina there, too. She was in a wheelchair, since she had had surgery on her leg and was ordered not to walk for two months. So I volunteered to push for a while and we went around and visited with some of her other friends.

It was a fun time, and the pictures are in my tattoo convention photo gallery.

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