Stan’s Obligatory Blog


I’m just speechless…

Filed under: — stan @ 4:15 pm

Keith Alexander, an old online friend died yesterday in a bicycle accident. The witness said that he wasn’t hit by a car, and if he’d been wearing his helmet he would probably still be alive. Keith, I can’t believe that you were riding in NYC without a helmet.

Addendum: Here’s Dee Snider’s eulogy for Keith.

3 Responses to “I’m just speechless…”

  1. Chuck Says:

    I tangled with Keith a few times over the years in RAB, arguing about the way the regulars mistreat the noobs. I also really enjoyed his chronicling of his koi tattoo. It’s a shame that he’s no longer with us.

  2. Steve Ryan Says:

    I was in NYC this week, and saw how they ride there – crazy, but maybe the only way to operate in that traffic.

    No helmet? Now that’s really crazy. I too had a friend die while riding without a helmet. On the other hand, my wife and son have destroyed 3 helmets between them, with a total of one mild concussion. Say what you want about heat transfer, style, weight, or freedom; wearing a helmet is a small price to pay to continue the full lives that Keith and my friend Jim Anderson were living.

  3. j Says:

    First of all it wasn’t in NYC in traffic. It was a bike path in brooklyn on shore road by the water. I’m not saying anything bad about helmets I wish Keith was wearing one but,alot of people ride their bikes without a helmet. It wasn’t a race!

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