Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Filed under: — stan @ 8:21 pm

Today was another appointment with the pediatrician. She got four shots of various vaccines. She is currently 5.2kg (11lb 6oz) and 58.5cm (23in), which places her pretty much on the average growth line.


Filed under: — stan @ 8:21 pm

Lucinda visited with the pediatrician today. She is now 4.74kg(10lb 7oz) and is 53.5cm (21 in).


Filed under: — stan @ 7:21 pm

Lucinda is up to 3.8kg (8lb 6oz), and has grown another 1.2cm (1/2 in),which makes her 51.4cm (20.25 in).


Filed under: — stan @ 7:21 pm

Today was her first office visit with the pediatrician. She got her first vaccination, although we didn’t get a little “Baby’s First Shot” plaque to commemorate the occasion. In nine days, she has grown 0.6cm (1/4 in), and gained 0.43kg (15 oz).

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