Stan’s Obligatory Blog


No ’sexy-time’ in America…

Filed under: — stan @ 10:09 pm

Today we went to the Center for Inquiry in Hollywood to hear a talk by Marty Klein titled “America’s War on Sex: Why the Christian Right is Obsessed With Your Sexuality”. This talk came highly recommended, since Nina Hartley said he was a good speaker when I’d mentioned to her that we were going to go.

His talk was very good and very entertaining. Sadly, it was also a bit depressing, but that wasn’t due to his delivery or skill. It was just the subject matter. The most memorable quote:

“Conservatives want to make government smaller. They want to shrink it down until it can fit under your bedroom door.”

Anyway, it was a fun time, and afterward, we went to Babeland and bought a new sex toy. That seemed appropriate in some way.

And Nina was right. Marty Klein is a good speaker, and if you get a chance, go see him.

2 Responses to “No ’sexy-time’ in America…”

  1. Jodi Says:

    I’m sorry I missed this. I haven’t been to that store yet, but may check it out soon.

  2. Stan Says:

    It’s pretty good. they have all the electric toys out and powered so you can feel what they do. And they offer a guarantee, which is nearly unheard-of in that business. The vibrator we bought died on its first use, and they replaced it with a new one.

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