Stan’s Obligatory Blog



Filed under: — stan @ 8:20 pm

We had to put Buddy to sleep today. This was a very hard thing to do, since Buddy is one of the sweetest and most affectionate dogs we’ve ever known. But he’s a biter.

Buddy has been part of our family for four years. For reasons nobody can seem to remember, we’ve always been calling him “Butt-Boy”. When we first adopted him, he decided that he was Lucinda’s dog. He was always very affectionate with her, and he stayed close to her all the time. Lucinda liked to play with him and get him to jump for treats. But he was always good with her, no matter what she did to him.

About three weeks ago, he bit a workman who was in our neighbor’s yard. This was the fourth time he’s bitten someone in four years we’ve had him. We took him to training classes, we got a muzzle, we got an electric-shock training collar. Still, he just would go berserk at completely unpredictable times and bite.

So in the end, we decided that we just couldn’t live with the uncertainty and the liability of having a dog who bites. And nobody else wants to adopt a dog who bites.

Good-bye Buddy. We will miss you.

6 Responses to “Butt-Boy”

  1. Michelle Says:

    That absolutely and completely sucks. Poor Lucinda. Poor you guys. I am so sorry.

  2. erica Says:

    Oh man, Stan, that sucks. I’m sorry you had to make such a hard decision and sorry that Lucinda’s losing her lovely dog.

  3. Karen Says:

    Oh dear…That is sad and a tough situation, but biters are a liability to themselves and others.

    I’m sure you did the right thing…but that is a hard thing to do.

    RIP Buddy.

  4. Dave Says:

    Sorry to hear about your Buddy. Its hard losing a member of the family.

    Our dog is named Buddy too (common name, i guess)

  5. Jodi Says:

    So sorry to hear about this. Something similar happened with my dog when I was a young child. I didn’t ever want a dog again for years and years..and now I’m a “crazy dog lady” and have three.

  6. Debbie Says:

    Aww, I’m sorry to hear that. That’s right up there as one of the worst decisions to have to make, ever.

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