Stan’s Obligatory Blog

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Christmas with the family

Filed under: — stan @ 9:52 pm

Today we went down to Leisure World to see the family for Christmas dinner. We brought the tamales that we made, as well as Lucinda, who was quite excited at the prospect of getting lots of presents from her relatives. We ate ourselves into oblivion. It was fun.

You can see all the pictures from the day at


Another kid craft project

Filed under: — stan @ 8:14 pm

food art
Here are the Christmas ornaments made out of food that Lucinda’s class made today. Cathy is the volunteer art docent for the class, so she comes up with these projects for them to do.


Holiday kid show

Filed under: — stan @ 6:20 pm

So we went to Lucinda’s Holiday Program today. The kids actually did a pretty good show. Here is a picture of the kindergarten group. Other pictures from the day are in Lucinda’s photo album.


The littlest tangerine

Filed under: — stan @ 8:05 pm

One of the fun things about Southern California is that citrus fruit grows on trees in our back yard. So we get to see all the weird fruits that would never make it to the grocery store. Lucinda was very excited when she found this tiny little tangerine on our tree. So she had to try it.


The Chocolate Room

Filed under: — stan @ 7:08 pm

This afternoon, we took the train in the rain to the Museum of Contemporary Art in downtown L.A. We wanted to see The Chocolate Room. This is an installation piece which is a room with the walls covered with 264 (I counted them) pieces of paper with a thin, silk-screened coating of chocolate. Also, they have art projects for kids on the first Sunday of every month. Lucinda got to make a little gingerbread house there. It was a fun afternoon.

After that, we rode the train home. Lucinda was especially interested in the center section of the car, where the two sections are articulated. She rode most of the way home standing in the center of the car, watching it move every time the train went around a curve.

Tamale party

Filed under: — stan @ 1:01 pm

This morning, I got up and started making tamales with the meat I cooked last night. This is our first time making home-made tamales. Lucinda and Cathy made some, but I made most of them. I felt like I was getting ethnic, even though none of us here is even remotely Mexican. Note the use of the Chinese bamboo steamer for the tamales. Then, after they were steamed, we had them for lunch just so we could try them out. They were quite good.


Saturday night fun

Filed under: — stan @ 9:43 pm

Cathy took Lucinda to see the L.A. Children’s Chorus. They said that it was a nice show. I stayed home and cooked meat and sauces for tamales.

Art on a Friday night

Filed under: — stan @ 12:00 am

This evening we went to the latest opening party at The Underground Arts Society in Altadena. This time, the featured artist was Ace Farren Ford. We sort of know Ace, since he’s the father of our friend and tattoo artist Shannon’s kids. Lucinda had fun playing with their kids Mars and Rose, as well as playing with Shannon’s cats. Lucinda also got a sticker on her back with some of the art on display. And we had fun looking at all the art. So overall, it was a fun time.


Another brownie recipe

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:54 pm

We tried another brownie recipe today. This time it’s the Quick & Easy Fudgey Brownies. They are pretty good. Lucinda liked them a lot. But they are still not quite the recipe I’m looking for. I’m still looking for something a bit heavier and darker.


Yes, we participate in the holidays…

Filed under: — site admin @ 6:28 pm

So while I was out riding my bike, Cathy and Lucinda went and got a Christmas tree. After we set it up, Lucinda and I decorated it. Even though we’re not religious in any way, it’s still just a fun little thing to do. So there.

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